Bellbird NSW

Dual Occupancy in Mount View Grange Estate

Dual Occupancy
3+2 Beds | 2+1 Bath | 1+1 Garage
$1,000 Weekly
 Land Size: 
510m2 - 570m2
 Total New Homes: 
 Area Size: 
Newcastle CBD - 45 km west
Close to schools
Close to public transport
Close to shopping

Turnkey Package & Fixed Price at $942,438

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Mount View Grange is part of Cessnock Local Government Area in the Hunter Region of NSW. The estate is located 90 minutes north of Sydney and 50 minutes to Newcastle.

Cessnock still holds the charm of it’s rural heritage and surroundings, with original 1920s buildings and many of the quaint events and activities of its traditional agriculture community.

Today, Cessnock is a thriving city, growing in popularity at a rapid rate due to its strategic location between Sydney and Newcastle, value for money, and commercial opportunities. It has an abundance of shops. amenities, sport facilities and entertainment venues.

The Hunter Valley is Australia’s oldest wine growing region and is reowned world wide. The Hunter Valley provides open spaces, fresh country air and amazing wine and food right on your door step.

Building a home is a very personal, exciting and rewarding experience. However, deciding what style of home to build on the right block of land and determining what the final price will be can be a little daunting.

To make things easier we’ve created a number of house and land packages that meet design standards and compliment the beautiful outlook at Mount View Grange. All packages are customised and designed to maximise the aspect of each individual lot.

Mount View Grange boasts an exceptional range of land starting from $310,888. Below you will find a curated selection of blocks, each offering a unique opportunity to build your dream home.

Turnkey Package & Fixed Price at $942,438

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