Success Stories
September 20, 2024

Our past building inspection reports - zero defects and quality remarks

We highly recommend our clients to get their home inspected by a professional before paying the final amount to the builder.

Our past building inspection reports - zero defects and quality remarks

We highly recommend our clients to get their home inspected by a professional before paying the final amount to the builder.

This protects the buyers like yourself. And gives you an opportunity to get all defects fixed before the handover.

It gives me so much satisfaction when the building inspection reports of our clients come positive.

Below are 3 inspection reports of the projects we handed over this month.

1. Zero defects and concerns

2. Inspector praising the build quality (this is rare)

3. 100% client satisfaction

Inspection Report 1 - Daniel's Property in Dayton WA

View Daniel's inspection report>

Inspection Report 2 - George's Dual Key in Dayton WA

View George's inspection report>

Inspection Report 3 - Nidhi's Property in Alkimos WA

View Nidhi's inspection report>

We are committed to making sure every single project is super successful and financially rewarding.